In this edition we'd like to give a little space to our YWAM friends in German-speaking Switzerland, with a particular focus on what has been happening in Basel over the last few years.
Our first training center was set up in Lausanne 54 years ago, and since then Youth With A Mission has continued to grow by the grace of God. Today, there are six ministry centers in German-speaking Switzerland, ranging from the training center in Wiler, a well-established base for many years, to pioneering teams in Zurich and St Moritz.
Our Swiss-German teams are also present in Olten and Davos, where they carry out a wide range of work. Leadership training, intercession, family ministry, discipleship and Bible training schools, presence at the World Economic Forum (WEF)...
In recent years, our two regions have come closer together. Strong friendships have been forged and we get together once or twice a year for convivial moments with our extended family, which gives us great joy.
Thank you for praying for YWAM in Switzerland. Even though we are well established, there is no shortage of challenges and our achievements are sometimes shaken. We want to continue to serve the local church, and remain relevant to the younger generation to prepare them for the challenges of tomorrow. May God continue to build his house, so that the workers do not labour in vain!
For an overview of the training centers in Switzerland, visit our websites: