Apart from the DTS and the University of the Nations schools, YWAM offers many seminars and other opportunities to serve (camps, missionary tours, volunteering in a center...). For these, you can check directly on the website of each base/ministry. Some training, like the School of the Bible (SBS) can be followed online.
Several commitments are possible if you consider training with Youth With A Mission:
Several commitments are possible if you consider training with Youth With A Mission:
A DTS allows you to experience a unique transforming experience that will boost your Christian life. It takes 5 to 6 months.
One year: You can take a DTS and stay for another 6 months to staff another one, serve on the base or on a specific ministry team.
Two years: You can take a DTS and stay an extra year and a half to serve in the ministry or YWAM center, while taking leadership training and staffing another school.
After completing a DTS, you have access to all other University of the Nations schools, which you can attend at any time anywhere in the world.
Why not consider a three or four year degree with UofN to prepare you for your calling in the nations or spheres of society?
After completing a DTS, you can join one of the hundreds of YWAM ministries active in evangelism, mercy or another area and contribute to world mission for a few years... or for life!
After completing a DTS, you can return to serve in your church and profession while remaining connected to YWAM and join the YWAM movement, allowing you to be regularly stimulated in a mission mindset by networks and meetings not far from home!
You can always join an evangelism project, a network or a team active locally in a specific field. To do so, contact the ministry in question via their website.
You like Youth With A Mission and want to support our work in French-speaking Switzerland and in the nations? You can participate in several ways:

Because we are a Christian youth movement, how our ministries and activities unfold depends heavily on each of our staff members. YWAM is more of a community of like-minded people with big dreams and goals than an organization based on centralized, hierarchical structures and rules.
There are two different dimensions to financial provision in YWAM: that of the staff members and that of the ministries and training centers. Both depend on a firm trust in God who, if He calls me to a particular ministry, will also provide me with the means to live it. He is the God who provides. The way He does it can vary greatly. He may do it through a salary, self-employment, or a personal circle of support of friends and churches. The real source behind it all is still the same, but the channels are different.
Staff Members
At YWAM, no one receives a salary from funds that are donated for general purposes or for specific projects. Staff members' salaries are funded directly by donations from their supporters. Each staff member has a share of responsibility in managing this income. Communication, donor visits, prayer, etc. are the responsibility of the staff member. This also applies to students, interns, full-time staff, local or international leaders, even teachers. Home churches, friends or family of YWAM staff members can support them in their missionary ministry and contribute to their living expenses. In doing so, they also support our missionary work. Others have full-time or part-time jobs outside of YWAM and offer their time in mission service. Some make themselves available on a short- or medium-term basis in our mission and live off their savings or a pension.
A full-time or part-time commitment to YWAM, based solely on donations, requires a great deal of personal motivation and willingness on the part of each YWAMer and their family. In this respect, YWAM is not the only mission that works this way. The advantage is that donors are directly connected to the people they are supporting, and this allows for much greater follow-through and ownership of people and projects by the funding partners.
Staff members declare the donations they receive to their base or ministry, which in turn takes care of their social charges.

The Mission
Donations to YWAM centers or ministries or specifically designated, whether money or other goods are used exactly for the purpose specified. YWAM's financial income consists not only of donations, but also of seminar and tuition fees, rent, foundation funds, and in very specific cases, development funds.
We practice good stewardship of the money, assets, and property entrusted to us. If you would like to support a staff member, center or ministry, please go directly to the appropriate website.