Don't let the adventure end when your DTS ends. There are still so many stories to tell, people and nations to reach. Take time to pray and ask God what else He has in store for you, and where He is leading you.

1. Tell everyone you know about your experience
We all know someone who would benefit from spending six months strengthening their relationship with the Lord! Get close to the people God is putting on your heart and share your story with them. Share your testimonies, revelations, and experiences, and then invite them to consider embarking on their own DTS journey.
2. Come back as a volunteer
Want to visit another base or spend another season with YWAM? Don't be afraid to come back and volunteer (mission builder) for a season! Volunteer service is a great way to grow your heart for mission and stay connected to the people and ministries you care about. Not only will you be able to reconnect with old friends and spend some time giving back, but you'll get a better idea of what it looks like to stay on as a full-time staff member!

3. Continue at a second-level school
Did you know that you can pursue a career through YWAM? YWAM's University of the Nations (UofN) offers more than 50 courses to prepare you and send you to the mission field. Whether you choose to train for ministry among youth, in the theater, media, or medicine, all YWAM courses are designed to train you professionally in a mission-oriented atmosphere. This means unconventional classrooms, hands-on experiences, real-world discovery and the pursuit of faith-based training. Click here to find out about YWAM's second level schools in the French speaking part of Switzerland.
4. Make a donation
Can't be here with us, but still want to support what God has used to radically change your life? A financial partnership with us is an incredible way to stay connected and be a part of what God is doing through our bases, ministries or staff. Whether it's supporting a student, an evangelism team, a ministry project or an expansion, giving allows your heart to continue to say "yes" to God's plan for the nations.

5. Join us as a staff member
God is calling many people to join the mission field and bring His good news to the nations! Now that you have completed your DTS, you can be a staff member at almost any base in the world. Maybe you want to be part of a specific ministry, or maybe you want to be on staff at a DTS and help transform lives in the same way yours has been transformed. Whatever your passion, we'd love to have you be a part of our family!
6. Connect with a YWAM base or ministry near you
YWAM is present in over 1,200 locations worldwide. Find out which center or ministry is closest to you and see how you can connect to encourage them and be encouraged, and help network around the world to know and spread the word.

7. Join the "YWAM movement”
The majority of YWAM graduates actually go to work in another area of society. We have YWAM graduates working in business, government, education and media. Others are journalists, filmmakers, teachers, inventors and musicians. They work in government, politics and medicine. They are part of the YWAM movement. Want to know more? Scroll down.
For many years, Loren Cunningham has been encouraging us to not only be missionaries to the nations but to invest in the spheres of society. To make disciples of the nations, we cannot just teach them to follow Jesus and develop a spiritual life, they need a commitment that impacts their whole way of life, their work, and their vocation. These seven spheres of society are family, government, economy, religion, education, media, and celebration (arts, sports, and entertainment).
However, YWAMers involved in our full-time bases and ministries cannot at the same time be involved in the transformation spheres. Some of our staff members feel God calling them to prioritize this dimension. Thus, we have YWAMers involved in education (in Burtigny and Yverdon), in the economy (in Burtigny), in agriculture (in Burtigny), in social work (in Yverdon)...
But above all, we realize that YWAM goes beyond our organization in the strict sense. Over the years and decades, we have thousands of people who have trained with YWAM and even spent a few years serving in our mission. We have tens of thousands of people who have participated in worship evenings, seminars, camps, summer services or missionary tours, ... We have a whole fringe of Christians who have in them all or part of the YWAM DNA. This is the YWAM movement, YWAMers at heart, friends of YWAM... Whatever we call them, this is a group that we have neglected quite a bit, and we are sorry for that. These are our missionaries in the spheres who, in practical terms, after their time with us, are active in making disciples of the nations. This is certainly the greatest untapped potential of YWAM in the future.
YWAM trains nearly 25,000 people a year through its University in nearly 180 nations. 85% of them will return to their country, to their city, after their training. Going to a YWAM school is not, and should not be, a goal in itself. Joining YWAM is not an escape from professional life and our responsibilities. If we want to see a wave of missionaries transform the French-speaking part of Switzerland and the nations, we must activate this YWAM movement in the coming years.
How can we do this? By creating networks of support, inspiration, and collaboration to nourish people's faith, vision, and motivation? By offering occasional meetings to stimulate and encourage? The strategy is not yet defined, and it may be multiple. If you are interested in thinking about it and helping us develop it, contact us!
Youth With A Mission is not a church. As an interdenominational mission, we want to serve all churches. In the past, YWAM has convened and pioneered many areas that are now taken up and lived out in much of the body of Christ: worship, unity, helping relationships, evangelism, discipleship... As a pioneer mission, YWAM continues to explore new dimensions in order to model and further transmit them to local churches and Christians active in society.
We have not always done everything right in the past. We will not always get it right in the future. But we invite you to see YWAM as a partner in the building of God's kingdom, a partner who does not want to "take" the strengths of the churches, but to stimulate, sharpen and serve them.
Partner for the Churches
YWAM is a partner in the formation of your young people: from their earliest years with the activities of King’s Kids, and then with our DTS that strengthen or lay the foundation of faith in their lives, stimulate their passion for Jesus and for his Word, shape their character and activate their gifts, leadership and missionary vision. Through the University of the Nations, all kinds of specialized training can equip them by grounding them in a biblical worldview for their future profession, thus maximizing their preparation to impact society. YWAM is a partner in evangelism by offering camps, evenings or targeted strategies for your community.
Partner for the Families
YWAM is a partner in restoring, strengthening, equipping and mobilizing families: Resources for the Family and Families of Faith (part of King’s Kids), among others, offer many tools to grow in our lives as couples and families by placing Jesus and his Kingdom at the center. KKI offers many mission camps or tours to live out God's service as a family.
Partner for the Nation
YWAM is a partner in seeking the good of the nation, praying for our authorities and advocating positive values that encourage creativity and interdependence, reflecting on the application of faith in the spheres of society in a respectful and constructive way. In some situations YWAM can also be a partner for your business.
Whatever your age, wherever you are involved, YWAM can and wants to be a valuable partner in challenging you in the strengths God has given you and the context in which He has placed you to know Him and make Him known.