What has become of Porteurs de Vie, the ministry founded by Carlo and Michèle Brugnoli? Today, eight Porteurs de Vie teams are evangelizing full time in Ivory Coast, Togo and Benin. Their goal is the salvation of the greatest number. They work with all evangelical churches to harvest with them, equip their members or plant new communities.
Our strategy is to offer to accompany each new convert to the worship service following the campaign, from their home to the local church. Up to 8 out of 10 people gladly accept.
In 2021, approximately 120 evangelistic campaigns were carried out. They last between 2 and 10 days and usually between 8 and 50 new converts attend the service the following Sunday. But sometimes there have been as many as 120 new people present and sometimes dozens of new ones for a very first service under a mango tree. Not everyone stays faithful, but everyone has a valuable opportunity to get to know a local pastor and spiritual family.
Each team was given a smartphone to offer free Bible chapters read in local languages. An illiterate person, like everyone else, can receive these quality readings from smartphone to smartphone. Our webmaster, Ralph Snijders from Biel, worked hard to make more than 45 languages easily available. Imagine the surprise for the authorities of a village to hear the Word in their local language when sometimes there are hardly any books or movies in that language. The first impression is: people somewhere in the world love us so much that they speak to us about God in our language!
Sometimes groups meet at the home of someone with a smartphone to listen to the Bible, just as in the old days when we went to the home of someone with a TV. James tells us that a small fire can start a big forest_ the miracle is that a non-Christian can then share these audios as much as he wants to his family, colleagues and neighbors! Let's pray for the development of this fledgling minister.
Life by faith works in Africa too! Without it our teams would not exist. We support them whenever possible with CHF 45 to 90 per campaign for their travel. If you wish to contribute or support a team for its personal needs, please contact us by e-mail: carlobrugnoli@porteursdevie.ch
Carlo and Michèle Brugnoli