FJ began in 1984 with Louise Neuenschwander, with the show "La machine à musique" and the children from the YWAM Lausanne base. There was a song about joy: "We are all makers, either of joy or of sadness..." Hence the name: we want to be makers of joy! Hence the name: we want to be makers of joy! In the early years, the main tool was choreography, and 5-week summer tours took the children and teenagers to evangelise in France, Italy, Morocco...Hassan and Anne Lakhdar took over the ministry from 1990 to 1994. During this period, local groups (up to 12!) were set up in French-speaking Switzerland under the responsibility of the churches, increasing the number of groups. Guy and Joële Zeller took up the torch from 1996 to 2005, moving to Yverdon and multiplying new activities: Easter camps, FTJ, books, Tilt!, Familles de foi, NIKO...Didier and Eve Crelier took over from 2005 to 2021, developing the MC4 vision (Quartier Libre, Antizone, etc.), Service Pâques, Minicell' and Patacell', accompanied in their final years by Laure and Timothée Gerber.In 2021, Loïc and Noémie Marsh continued to develop the department, with a revival of FTJ, musicals, TNT... and a stronger emphasis on synergy with the rest of YWAM. Today, Marjorie Wäfler and Jessica Bailat have joined them in leadership.40 years and thousands of children, young people and families affected, in French-speaking Switzerland and beyond. Will you join us to celebrate on Saturday 21 September in Yverdon and pray for a new season of favour and impact?