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Discover God, Impact Nations.

Explore amazing places, discover who is YWAM in french-part of Switzerland and beyond, and how together we can have an impact in the world.


Who We Are

A tribe from all nations, generations, and backgrounds united by shared purpose, belief, and values. We are dedicated to loving, training, and reaching out.

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Vision & Values

Our DNA holds us together, decades of exploration and experience provide us with a unique YWAM fingerprint, learn about our foundations.

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YWAM in French-speaking Switzerland

Since 1969 YWAM in Switzerland has left an imprint on individuals, in churches, and through communities, discover how discover God, Impact Nations.


Becoming Partners

Working together we develop and enhance skills, resources and ideas from our diverse backgrounds. Why not become a partner, here are several ways to do it

Stay Connected

Working or studying full time? Let’s find creative ways to stay connected and discover what God is doing in your vocation, region and nation.



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